Chapter 7: Death

The scene of Jesus' execution unfolded like a macabre ritual, an unsettling display of the efficiency with which society could extinguish truth. 

The chilling aspect was not merely the act of ending a man's life but the practiced ease with which it happened, as if the destruction of truth had become second nature. Yet, amid this dark spectacle, Jesus displayed an otherworldly resilience. His face bore no plea for mercy; instead, his eyes blazed with an undying love for those who were orchestrating his demise. In an act of profound self-sacrifice, he allowed this cruelty to unfold, a preview of the gift he was determined to give the world. From the tree, he cast his gaze across the crowd, seeking his mother with a final, poignant glance before surrendering to the unknown.

As the afternoon sun cast its long shadows, Jesus's words, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing," echoed through the darkness that shrouded the land. The truth of his identity remained hidden from those who executed him, their hearts saturated with darkness that mirrored the eclipse overhead. 

For hours, Jesus hung suspended on the tree, a symbol of both pain and unwavering love. When the shadows finally lifted, a funeral unfolded, a stark departure from the grandeur of his sermons or the media circus surrounding his execution. It was an understated service, attended by a minor assembly of women and authorities burdened with a guilty conscience. The absence of followers or devoted fans underscored the poignancy of this moment. Was this, then, the unassuming end to this teacher's story?


Chapter 6: Humiliation


Chapter 8: Descent