The History of Hell
The history of our modern ideas of Hell is a long and controversial one. Naturally, there is disagreement on interpretation around what exactly Hell is.
How to Practice Lectio Divina
The Method of St. Ignatius is similar to a mental flannel board. It's a way of using your senses to better understand a biblical passage.
The Mind of Moses
Of all the characters in the Bible, I relate most to Moses. Mostly because Moses struggled his entire life with an identity crisis.
Trip to Nazareth Pt.1
Reflecting on Mark 6:1-3, I find myself puzzled. Imagine being Jesus, a miracle-worker, returning to your hometown—full of familiar faces and shared memories. Yet, instead of admiration, doubt lingers in the air.
Trip to Nazareth Pt.2
In the story of Jesus’ life, there’s a moment in Nazareth that feels surprisingly relatable. Jesus, performing miracles and speaking with wisdom, is met with skepticism from his own neighbors.