Week 5: Hunger

In Exodus 16, the people are grumbling against Moses because there isn’t any food in the wilderness.

The Lord appeared to Moses and began providing manna, a corn-flake like substance to the people every morning.

In 1 Kings 17, Elijah is in hiding and hungry. He had stopped the rains from falling and was hiding from the evil king and queen. God sent the Ravens to feed Elijah with bread and meat. What had normally stolen Elijah’s food, was provided for him.

In John 6, Jesus multiplies enough food to feed a crowd of 5000+ people. When the crowd returns looking for seconds, he declares himself to be the Bread of Life straight from Heaven! 

What you intake will determine how long it will last! 

“Man doesn’t live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Bread of Life

In John 6, Jesus claims to be the Bread of Life. When the crowd becomes angry, he says 

“Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die.” (v. 49-50)

What did Jesus mean? In James 1:17, it talks about every gift that comes from above being good and perfect. Why did their ancestors die when manna was provided? 

This made me wonder if Jesus was making a point about how our attitude towards the gifts of God determines how we receive them. The crowds surrounding Jesus were presented a chance to receive bread from Heaven but their cynicism stopped them from enjoying it. 

The Israelites received manna in the wilderness but when gathering greedily tried to hoard it instead of trusting God. You are always presented with a new opportunity to make a new choice. You don’t have to follow in you ancestors footsteps.


Week 4: Anger


Week 6: Scared