Trip to Nazareth Pt.1

Contemplating the words of Mark 6:1-3, I find myself a bit confused at first. Step into the shoes of Jesus, the famed miracle-worker, as he returns to his cherished hometown, a place steeped in the embrace of memories and shared histories. In the hallowed halls of the local synagogue, he graces the pulpit, his words resonating with an eloquence that leaves the audience spellbound. Yet, somehow, skepticism clings to the air like a shadow, casting doubt upon his divine authority. 

Now, this question ensues: How could they harbor doubt in Jesus? This town, unlike any other, had an extraordinary advantage—they grew up alongside him!

Imagine this: Jesus, the very lad who once played little league with them, swung the bat with fervor, and dashed across the field. He, the humble laborer, toiled in the fields with them, their hands intertwined as they harvested nature's bounty. And let us not forget his unparalleled skills in Wood Shop during those formative high school years. Oh, how he excelled! Perfect, he was, and they beheld this truth with their own eyes!

Yet, oh, the struggle they faced in making the leap from High School Senior to Savior. But why?

Familiarity, my friends, can be the biggest adversary to faith. When one presumes to possess all knowledge, the challenge of belief becomes impossible.

To love one's neighbor becomes an uphill battle when one assumes to grasp the entirety of their narrative. To embrace the miraculous becomes an insurmountable feat when all traces of mystery have been ruthlessly obliterated. And how can one possibly believe that boundless possibilities exist when their surroundings incessantly whisper words of doubt?

Ah, Jesus, burdened by the weight of their preconceptions, could not perform many miracles in a place where the town's slogan rang like a somber echo: "Nothing good comes from us."

It is a unique brand of pain when you reveal all of Who You Are to those you trust and you are rejected. It’s something I have experienced a lot in my life causing me to have to work harder in fully opening up to people.

Yet, in the midst of this tempest, one solace emerges from the tale of Jesus' rejection in the humble town of Nazareth: even the Son of God himself faced rejection! Jesus, in all his glory, unveiled the very essence of his being to those who should have embraced him wholeheartedly and become his staunchest allies on his mission.

And yet, they turned him away.

Yes, even the flawless Jesus was met with rejection.

This revelation beckons us to explore the underlying cause of such a disheartening outcome. It lay not within Jesus himself, but rather in Nazareth's distorted self-perception—a tragic image problem that led them astray. The consequences were profound; a miracle slipped through their fingers, denied to them due to their skewed self-perception. This realization imparts a profound truth: when someone you trust fails to accept you, it speaks volumes about their own struggles, not your inherent worth. Even Jesus, who walked this earth in impeccable righteousness, could not appease everyone.

Take heart, for your Heavenly Father embraces you unconditionally. That, my dear reader, is the sole validation you require.


The Mind of Moses


Trip to Nazareth Pt.2